Saturday, January 19, 2013

My heart hurts.

I have had such a heavy heart this week. One of my sister's very good friends passed away in her sleep on Monday night. A huge shock to everyone and she was only 34.

When I first met Ronda, I could tell that she was a good person. It seemed like she made everyone around her a little better by her positive attitude and drive. I remember being so happy that my sister had such a great friend who was so involved in the community, her children's activities, all with a smile on her face. I was even more amazed when she told me she had 9 kids! NINE? I am falling asleep on the couch at like 10 pm with two kids. I was just in awe and knew she was some kind of super mom. Not to mention a great friend to my sister, and role model to my niece and nephews who she watched often.

I hope to be as good of a mom and friend as her. Her untimely death makes me sick to my stomach. It also makes me want to be be a better me, every single day. Not to let little things bother me and appreciate waking up even though it's 6:15 AM on the weekend. <3 Rest in Peace, Ronda. It just won't be the same with out you!

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