Thursday, March 28, 2013

Menu Plan Monday - 3/25

Menu Plan Monday

Monday - Out
Tuesday - Out
Wednesday - Chicken and Noodles
Thursday - Chicken and Noodles
Friday - Spaghetti

Chicken and noodles = my favorite meal ever! I called my aunt to ask how she gets her C&N so creamy and kindly told me that the creaminess comes from the homemade noodles, which I did not include. That will be my next mini goal, make some home made noodles! I used to make them all the time with my aunt as a kid. I wonder how she had so much patience, and still does. So I guess having left overs tonight sorta kinda makes up for going out to eat on Monday and Tuesday.

In my defense, I have a hard time cooking dinner all myself because the kids want to help and it turns out a little hectic. I can't blame them because usually they do get to help - Katelyn is the recipe holder, as well as adding the milk/water while Carter holds the bowl/cracks the eggs/. Usually this goes amazing on the weekends, with my little 16 month Martha Stewart and 3 year old food network star, but not so much during the week.

We were really excited to have the first soccer game this week but that has been postponed so at least that leaves more energy for hunting Easter eggs! I can't wait, watching the kids find eggs will be fun and our family will have over 20 kids! :) Carter got his picture with the Easter bunny last Saturday (free at Walmart!!) but Katelyn was having none of that!

better late than never, have a great week everyone!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Menu Plan Monday 3/18/13

Menu Plan Monday

Monday - Taco Bell (I know, bad. But it tastes soo good!)
Tuesday - Pork chops w/ white noodles & peas
Wednesday - Beef stroganof w/ mash potatoes and corn
Thursday - Chicken & mac n cheese
Friday - Grilled Cheese & soup
Saturday - Leftovers/out
Sunday - Quesadillas

We have been adjusting well with dad gone for a few nights out of the week. With Carter speaking so well, dinner time discussion is always fun. A few nights ago I was encouraging him to eat his dinner and told him that it was not time to play with his train, it was time to eat.

Carter: That's not fair
Me: Life's not fair
Carter: Well, that's not good....

I had to smile. I think the world could use some lessons from a 3 year old! He did put his train away and eat the rest of his food though :)

I am still linking up with Menu Plan Monday! 1.5 hours til Tuesday but I made it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

31 Day Org Challenge Progress

There have been lots of changes in our house this week, my boyfriend started a new job! We also have been taking advantage of the warmer weather and longer days to play outside! It has been a good but hectic week so my progress is slow to say the least. I have been so excited about it so I thought I would be farther ahead.

I did box and organize the clothes pile to give away to our friend Miranda who has a baby girl. I also went through Katelyn's current clothes to find more that she can't fit in! I have so many ideas, like maybe even bringing Katelyn's little kitchen up to her room! They love playing restaurant. They have so much fun playing with it in the play room too. It's potential for more toys in the living room so I will have to give it more thought. 

Although my progress is weak, I haven't given up! I know KK will love it and appreciate it every bit once it's finished!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Menu Plan..Tuesday?

Things have been hectic on my end but I still want to menu plan! I need to remind myself that it SAVES me time and money, and effort too no matter what is happening this week or last. Now that my personal chef (my boyfriend) started working nights last week, I have been left to fend for myself & the kids.

Monday - Spaghetti
Tuesday - Chicken Quesadillas
Wednesday - maybe steaks - bf doesn't have to work
Thursday - Chicken enchiladas
Friday -leftovers!
Saturday - Out
Sunday - chicken and noodles

Join Menu Plan Monday too! Everybody's doing it!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

31 Day Organizational Challenge - KK's room! *updated*

It doesn't bother me when things are out of order, which is mostly my problem. Being laid back works pretty well except for when it comes to putting your stuff away. KK has outgrown most of her baby stuff and it has been taking over her room. She hasn't slept in her crib since we moved into our new house so her room has turned into a place to put things she no longer needs. She would rather play in big brother's room or the play room so I have let it get a little out of control. Embarrassing but most of it will be given away or sold online.

I have been inspired by orgjunkie's 31 Day Organizational challenge to shape up KK's room. I have lots to work on but luckily she has put up a calendar and just joining the challenge will keep me accountable! I have browsed her website for years and just joined the Menu Plan Monday at the first of the year which is another fun thing to do that has helped my home making skills!

Yikes, here's what her room looks like at the moment.

I better get started on the process tomorrow. Luckily I have two little helpers!

***finished product***She absolutely loves it and has been sleeping in her own room, in her own bed with out mommy. She is growing up too fast :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Inspire me.

I am indecisive. I often wonder if I make the right decisions. Yesterday I took the kids to Target to pick out gifts for friends birthday parties and I probably changed my mind 6 times on a few different subjects. Buying a card w/ money or buying the gift. What to buy? Should I just go back to giving a card? I am glad I ended up giving them gifts since many brought cards but when I really think about it, I still wonder if I picked out the right presents. Small things, but I still worry way too much on a daily basis.

It needs to stop! I looked up advice on worrying and it was helpful but I think I would have to write it on my hand to remember. I have the problem and solution but it's not solved.

Welcome to my life. I like to be inspired. I like to feel. I like to talk. I like to learn to be the best person, and mom I can be. I am going to start putting my thoughts to paper, no matter how odd, random or sentimental they may be.

I have great friends who are there for me no matter what, no matter how long it has been since we last hung out. I have a fix everything boyfriend who is the best daddy in the world, even to our fish. I have brothers who are more role models to me than any father could have. I have a mom who is also my best friend.

I just want to remember that my view on life will be Carter's and Katelyn's, and to make it a positive one. The grass is never greener on the other side, it was probably just fake grass ;)

Menu Plan Monday 3/04

MENU PLAN MONDAY - join the group and check out other menus too!

Monday - Breakfast for dinner
Tuesday - Spaghetti
Wednesday - Pork chops w/ white noodles / corn
Thursday - Out to eat
Friday -steaks w/ salad & veggie (it's going to be 64 on Friday!!)
Sat - Cheeseburger macaroni
Sunday - ??

No excuses, I have been slacking. We had blizzard of oz 1 & 2 the past couple weeks here in Kansas! Snowman, hot chocolate, lots of movies and cuddling. I had my sights set on blogging more but that wasn't the case.  I have been making an effort to disconnect myself from the internet for the three hours I have between getting home from work and bed time to be in the moment more with the kids. It has been working well so far and I don't even miss it! :)

You haven't made a new blog post in awhile - you should -  my mom
Well maybe you should comment and it will motivate me to - Me
Well I just did - Mom
Haha! Very true.
 (Now I just did too!)