Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I have been reading post secret for over 10 years. Back when it even had a blogspot. I don't know many Sunday's I haven't missed. I have never sent in a secret myself, maybe some day I will.

This secret this week spoke to me before I even knew there was a back side. This is so true - everyone in life is just living it, making mistakes and trying to learn life lessons along the way. When I was a kid I always wondered what made people do the things they did (I still wonder) and after 28 years I think this sums it up perfectly - behind every person, bureaucracy, manager, parent, child - is just a bunch of people trying to figure it out but we're all clueless!

Now when I see the backside, the secret writer assumes that the mail system was not doing its job by letting international mail come to the US - but MY immediate thought was - maybe the mail carrier was a post secret fan, internationally. I looked for Frank's email to send him this message or outlook on it but I didn't see it so I posted to my blog instead. You're welcome!

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