Tuesday, March 5, 2013

31 Day Organizational Challenge - KK's room! *updated*

It doesn't bother me when things are out of order, which is mostly my problem. Being laid back works pretty well except for when it comes to putting your stuff away. KK has outgrown most of her baby stuff and it has been taking over her room. She hasn't slept in her crib since we moved into our new house so her room has turned into a place to put things she no longer needs. She would rather play in big brother's room or the play room so I have let it get a little out of control. Embarrassing but most of it will be given away or sold online.

I have been inspired by orgjunkie's 31 Day Organizational challenge to shape up KK's room. I have lots to work on but luckily she has put up a calendar and just joining the challenge will keep me accountable! I have browsed her website for years and just joined the Menu Plan Monday at the first of the year which is another fun thing to do that has helped my home making skills!

Yikes, here's what her room looks like at the moment.

I better get started on the process tomorrow. Luckily I have two little helpers!

***finished product***She absolutely loves it and has been sleeping in her own room, in her own bed with out mommy. She is growing up too fast :)

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand! Good luck! Can't wait to see the finished product!
