Monday, January 7, 2013

Menu Plan MONDAY - 1/7/13

Monday - Grilled turkey and cheese w/ chips and oranges
Tuesday - Pork chops with white noodles and green beans
Wednesday - Chicken Mac and cheese w/ Corn
Thursday - Spaghetti
Friday - Chipotle - Christmas gift card :)

I just did my big shopping trip to Walmart and thank goodness that is over! It always takes forever but going shopping on a Monday afternoon makes it less painful. For the most part, I always get really good customer service. This time I was charged three times for my bread and twice for Manwich, but I will call them later and I'm sure they'll refund it. I might not have even noticed if I wasn't trying to add up all the $$ I saved. I'm just glad no one ever gives me a hard time because I know it holds the line up. The lady behind me was not peeved at all but curious how I did it and I told her about The Comp List Lady. It's pretty worth it though because I saved $42.15 not counting the over charged items! I don't even let my boyfriend grocery shop anymore unless he promises to comp items.

If you are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think. -T. Harv Eker

For changes to be of any true value, they've got to be lasting and consistent. -Tony Robbins

I added these quotes to my monthly expenses spreadsheet for 2013. I thought they were good ones. 2nd week completed in Menu Plan Monday! I feel quite welcome and thanks to everyone who stops by :) Cheers!

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