Monday, July 29, 2013

Menu Plan Monday 7/29/13

  • Cereal
  • Turkey sandwiches w/ chips
  • Pork w/ white noodles
  • Egg sandwiches w/ hash browns
  • Hotdogs
  • Brisket sandwiches 
  • Cereal
  • Brisket Sandwiches
  • Cheese Pizza 
  • Cereal 
  • Leftover Pizza 
  • Spaghetti 
  • Cereal 
  •  Turkey Sandwiches 
  • Out to eat
We had a great weekend, enjoying the weather with friends having a bbq. It's so nice to have friends who also have kids - they keep each other busy! I made seven layer dip and left the bbqing to my boyfriend - he stayed up all night smoking a brisket!

Menu Plan Monday!!

Little moments

My little ones are always amazing me with something new or sweet.

Last week Carter pulled out a piece of twizzler out of his pocket and said "Here mommy, this is for you".
Dad told me that he had been saving it since the morning to give to me. It was truly sweet. I have a hard time saving candy myself so I could imagine it would take some good self control for a 3 year old to save it all day long.

And then there's this..

I heard Carter getting in trouble after bedtime hugs and when Dad came out I asked what was the matter and he tells me that he had said "Good night, Carter" and Carter says " Good night, f*cker" ...

Oh my goodness. Well, I couldn't help but think it was a wee bit hilarious partially because of shock and especially because he did not learn that word from me! We try our best not to drop f bombs or say words that we don't want him to but this is just crazy. Dad was much more mature and didn't laugh and scolded like he should have so hopefully no more f bombs from Carter.

Katelyn is growing up too and always testing her limits. I have to remind myself daily not to get too frustrated at her little independence and that it will serve her well in life. She just wants to do EVERYTHING her brother does. While this makes me proud when often she is able to- Sometimes, that's not so feasible. Saturday while we were going to Walmart - Carter informs me that he is a "grown up" and grown ups don't sit in shopping carts. True that. So Katelyn gives me the look and I'm like no way, Katelyn you are definitely getting into the cart. So after 5 minutes of attempting to put her in the cart in the middle of the parking lot while she cries and moves her legs every which way to avoid it.. I manage to buckle her in and move on my way. It was a successful shopping trip, and both of my helpers did a great job. Every single item we got (sans eggs and milk), Carter took from me, handed to Katelyn, and she chucked it in the cart. It was actually a fun assembly line :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I have been reading post secret for over 10 years. Back when it even had a blogspot. I don't know many Sunday's I haven't missed. I have never sent in a secret myself, maybe some day I will.

This secret this week spoke to me before I even knew there was a back side. This is so true - everyone in life is just living it, making mistakes and trying to learn life lessons along the way. When I was a kid I always wondered what made people do the things they did (I still wonder) and after 28 years I think this sums it up perfectly - behind every person, bureaucracy, manager, parent, child - is just a bunch of people trying to figure it out but we're all clueless!

Now when I see the backside, the secret writer assumes that the mail system was not doing its job by letting international mail come to the US - but MY immediate thought was - maybe the mail carrier was a post secret fan, internationally. I looked for Frank's email to send him this message or outlook on it but I didn't see it so I posted to my blog instead. You're welcome!

A story

I have thought about writing a book since I realized how mystified my friends were when I talked about growing up poor and the different opportunities that it did or did not provide. I feel like one of the lucky ones, who rose above my "class" and graduated college,  and have a pretty good job. There are many reasons why my path has come so far but one of the big ones is a positive attitude. I didn't know I was poor most of my life until I started comparing what I had to what others had. Then I met my boyfriend. As I hear his story more and more, I think I'm going to write a book on him instead. He didn't graduate college, but it's pretty amazing to be where he is today with all that has happened in his life. This is my new goal, and we have a title. Or I could write a story about both our lives and how we ended up together - the perfect mix of poor Kansas kids just trying to give better opportunities to our own. Our own little American Dream.

I wonder how one gets started on a book. Of course I should just google it. I was thinking about starting my part and then recording his and going from there. Do I have too much of a positive attitude to put his story into the right perspective? This could happen.

Menu Plan Monday 7/22/13

  • Monday
    • Cereal w/ banana
    • Chicken Nuggets
    • Spaghetti w/ home made cheesy garlic bread
  • Tuesday
    • Cereal w/ banana
    • Pigs in a blanket
    •  Meatloaf
  • Wednesday 
    • Cereal w/ banana
    • Cheese Quesadillas
    •  Chicken
  • Thursday 
  • Friday
    • Donuts & OJ
    •  Cheese pizza
    • Pork Chops
  • Saturday 
    • Biscuits & Gravy
    • Ribs, seven layer dip - BBQ with friends!
  • Sunday 
    • Cereal 
    • leftovers
    • leftovers

It's a miracle! I made it on a Monday!

Menu Plan Monday

Whoops, I forgot to post it. But my menu was done and it has been helping lots.

This week has been a good one - received Carter's little preschool set up package and his school supply list! I LOVE shopping for school supplies! I am ready for the whole shebang. Carter says he is already a grown up so he doesn't need school.

He will be playing soccer again this fall when he starts school! We are just trying to find the perfect balance between activities and free time and I don't think 3 is too early for anything! It's amazing how much a child can soak in given the opportunity. I said we need to put Katelyn in gymnastics and Carter said and ballet and tap! Lol.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Menu Plan Monday 7.08.13

I fell off the wagon for awhile but since I have been thinking about Menu Plan Monday for awhile I decided to jump back on! We are also on a money diet so planning my menu does wonders for that. I also decided to do all three meals since it's pretty much expected to feed the kiddos three times a day :) Snacks are usually cheese sticks, granola bars, or crackers.

  • Leftover home made biscuits and gravy
  • Cheese pizza & grapes
  • BBQ Chicken w/ Mac and Cheese & Corn (We ate outside on the picnic table, which the kids absolutely love!)  
  • Cereal & banana
  • Sandwich & chips & oranges
  • Pork Chops w/ White noodles & Peas
  • Cereal & banana
  • Chicken nuggets 
  • Spaghetti & garlic bread 
  • Cereal & banana 
  • Pigs in a blanket
  • Lasagna w/ corn
  • Cereal & banana 
  • Fish sticks
  • To be Determined!
  • Pancakes!! 
  • Sandwich & chips
  • Buzzard's Pizza (Going to visit with family!) 
Hope everyone has a great week! This is the first full work week for me from the holidays and my sister's wedding. Is it Friday yet?!